I am an acrylic and mixed-media painter working in Granbury, Texas. I believe that my art is a combination of my experienced intuition and my acquired skills and that it is a means of self-expression and personal growth.
I received a Bachelor Degree in Art Education from Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Texas and a Bachelor of Fine Art Degree from North Texas University, Denton, Texas.
After several years as an active artist and teacher, fine art was side-lined for a period of time as my focus was on my work as an Interior Designer, licensed by the State of Texas. After reaching retirement, fine art has once again become my main focus.
Currently I’m exploring complex color relationships, abstract line and flat-shape patterns, and mixed media textural elements in my paintings. The result is a combination of representational and abstract images.
I have participated and received recognition in state wide juried shows and exhibitions.
CV is available upon request.